Admissions procedure

Would you like your child to attend Langley Fitzurse?

If you’d like a place for your child, or simply want to know more about the school, you’re welcome to visit at any time. Call us and we will arrange an appointment for you to see the school and meet the head teacher.     Please also see our School Prospectus and Admissions Policy.  We often have mid-year vacancies due to pupils moving home so it’s always worth enquiring.

Young children starting school

If you have a three-year-old or four-year-old child who’s due to begin primary school reception classes within 12 months, the first step is to visit the school and meet our team.  After that, you make an online application to Wiltshire Council. We can guide you through this process.

The deadline for applying for a reception place to start school in September 2025 is Sunday 15 January 2025.

If your child is awarded a place, you will be invited to an induction meeting at the school at the beginning of  term 6.  Your child will also be offered up to six visits before they begin school – two morning sessions, two morning sessions followed by lunch, and finally two full days.  This helps to prepare them for school and get them used to the new routine and faces.

For a visit and a guided tour of the school, phone us on 01249 750295 or email us at

  • Parents make the initial contact via the School Office to meet the Headteacher.
  • An appointment to visit school is arranged (with or without the child/ren)
  • The visit to school will be during school time if possible. There will be an opportunity to meet teachers and children, and to discuss educational philosophy, curriculum and the school’s ethos, including Christian status, with the Headteacher. Parents will be offered a school prospectus.
  • If parents choose to request a place at the school, they must either complete a Wiltshire County Primary Admission Form or apply on line at On line applications are encouraged. The deadline date for the first round of applications for Reception September 2025 is above.
  • The school will invite parents to an Induction Meeting before the children start.
  • All children will be invited to visit school in the term prior to their start date.
  • The agreed school procedure for children starting school initially involves gradually building up attendance ie mornings, mornings and lunch, then full days.   Any parent who wishes to discuss any aspect of admissions or induction visits is encouraged to see the Executive Headteacher.
  • For any parents enquiring about a place who wish to discuss special educational needs and/or deferment of a school place, we will always arrange additional time to talk about ways that our school can support you child.

Please see the link below for the appeals process should you be unhappy with a decision: