Langley Fitzurse Parent Teachers Association – raising money for a better education

What is the PTA?

 Every parent and carer of a pupil at Langley Fitzurse school is automatically a member of Langley Fitzurse PTA.

The PTA is a registered charity with two main objectives:

  • To raise funds for the school that can be used to improve the education of all pupils
  •  To give parents and carers the chance to meet, socialise and discuss what’s important to them about the school

We also want to show our children that their education is not something that goes on in isolation. The school is part of the community and we make a point of staging events in school regularly to demonstrate to the children that their parents and carers are part of their education too.

What do we do with the money we raise?

Our funds are for the benefit of all pupils. Over recent years we’ve paid for the school’s gazebo in the playground, the new library, books, IT equipment,  parties, entertainment and coaches for school visits.

How can you get involved?

The PTA usually meets once a term in school or at the Langley Tap.  We’d love you to come along to these meetings to tell us what you think matters and help decide how we spend our money.

We’re also looking for volunteers to help with fund-raising events. The more people prepared to give a little of their time, the more effective these events are.

Get in touch – your involvement makes all the difference

If you’d like to take part – or just find out a bit more – please contact one of the committee members. We don’t bite, and we promise we won’t immediately ask you to bake 10,000 cakes for a new world record attempt. Honest.

Kat Baskerville, Chair