Langley Fitzurse

Church of England Primary School

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Langley Fitzurse

Church of England Primary School


Governors 2023/24

The LFSSQ Federation are currently seeking new governors.
Please click on the documents below for more information.
Governor Recruitment May 24
Foundation governor application form

Ed Shire

Ed studied Physics at the University of Bath. He worked in the private defence sector for 8 years before moving into the public sector, joining the Ministry of Defence (MoD). In his current role he manages and leads an MoD facility as Deputy Head of Establishment – responsible for finance, health and safety, security, procurement and contract management. He has lived in Kington Langley since 2016. In his personal time he is a board gamer, cyclist, juggler and circus skills entertainer who runs workshops and events for children.

Category: Local Authority Governor nominated by the Local Authority and appointed by the Board of Governors on 3 November 2020

Term of office: 3 November 2020 – 2 November 2024

Chair of Governors

Computing Link Governor (including filtering and monitoring – KCSiE requirements)

Committee membership: Finance & Resources

No business interests or relationships with staff or governors declared

Ed attended 6 of 7 FGB Meetings and 5 of 6 Finance & Resources Meetings during 2022/23

Karen Winterburn

Category: Executive Headteacher

Term of office: whilst in post (ex officio)

Committee membership: Teaching, Learning & Development. Attends all meetings in the capacity of Executive Headteacher

No business interests or relationships with staff or governors declared

Karen is also a governor at Stanton St Quintin Primary School

Karen attended 7 of 7 FGB Meetings, 6 of 6 Finance & Resources Meetings (as presenter) and 6 of 6 Teaching Learning & Development Meetings during 2022/23

Adrian Cole

I have proudly served as a governor at Stanton for 7 years, serving as Chair of the Governors for 4 years of that time. I have lived in Kington St Michael for 15 years and my 3 children have all attend Stanton Primary School.

As part of the governing body for the new federation I’m looking forward to being able to use my experience to help support both schools through the coming years. I’m particularly keen to ensure that the federation is able to continue to offer a small village school experience for those families who live in the local villages and for those who wish to travel from the local towns in order to benefit from what we can offer.

Category: Co-opted Governor appointed by the Board of Governors on 3 November 2020

Term of office: 3 November 2020 – 2 November 2024

Vice Chair of Governors

Committee Membership: Teaching, Learning & Resources 

Pupil Premium Governor, Whistleblowing Governor and Link Governor for Maths

No business interests or relationships with staff or governors declared

Adrian attended 6 of 7 FGB Meetings and 6 of 6 Teaching, Learning & Development Meetings during 2022/23 

Fiona Farquhar

Fiona is a practicing barrister based at Albion Chambers. Fiona was called to the Bar in 2002 and specialises in all aspects of public and private law children matters. In her spare time she enjoys sailing, open water swimming and being in the great outdoors.

Category: Co-opted Governor appointed by the Board of Governors on 1 January 2021

Term of office: 1 January 2021 – 31 December 2024

Committee Membership: Teaching, Learning & Resources

Safeguarding/Child Protection/Looked After Children Governor

No business interests or relationships with staff or governors declared

Fiona attended 3 of 7 FGB Meetings and 3 of 6 Teaching, Learning & Development Meetings during 2022/23

Richard Priest

Category: Foundation Governor appointed by the Diocese of Bristol on 15 July 2021

Term of office: 23 September 2021 – 22 September 2025

Committee membership: Teaching, Learning & Development

Equality & Diversity (Including Community Cohesion) Governor and Link Governor for English and RE

No business interests or relationships with staff or governors declared

Richard attended 6 of 7 FGB Meetings and 6 of 6 Teaching, Learning & Development Meetings during 2022/23

Tom Stables

Category: Foundation Governor appointed by the Diocese of Bristol in September 2021

Term of Office: 23 September 2021 – 22 September 2025

Committee Membership: Finance & Resources

No business interests or relationships with staff or governors declared

Tom attended 3 of 7 FGB Meetings and 0 of 6 Finance & Resources Meetings during 2022/23

Georgina Adams

Category: Co-opted Governor appointed by the Board of Governors on 25 January 2024

Term of Office: 25 January 2024 – 24 January 2028

Committee Membership: Teaching, Learning & Development 

Link Governor for Early Years Foundation Stage

Declared business interests – Parent of children at the school, director of legal consultancy business and former governor of a school in Nottingham

Georgina did not attend any meetings during 2022/23 as this was prior to her appointment

Luke Facey

Category: Co-opted Governor appointed by the Board of Governors on 25 January 2024

Term of Office: 25 January 2024 – 24 January 2028

Committee Membership: Finance & Resources

Link Governor TBC

Declared business interests – TBC

Luke did not attend any meetings during 2022/23 as this was prior to his appointment

Huw Solly

Category: Foundation Governor appointed by the Diocese of Bristol on 24th March 2022

Term of Office: 24 March 2022 – 23 March 2026

Committee Membership: Finance & Resources (Chair)

Declared business interests – None

Huw attended 6 of 7 FGB Meetings and 6 of 6 Finance & Resources Meetings during 2022/23

Kyle Hutchings

Category: Parent Governor appointed by the Board of Governors following nomination process on 24th November 2022

Term of Office: 24 November 2022 – 23 November 2026

Committee Membership: Finance & Resources (Chair Elect)

Health & Safety Governor

No business interests or relationships with staff or governors declared

Kyle attended 5 of 6 FGB Meetings and 6 of 6 Finance & Resources Meetings during 2022/23

Amber Batson

Category: Parent Governor appointed by the Board of Governors following nomination process on 24th November 2022

Term of Office: 24 November 2022 – 23 November 2026

Committee Membership: Teaching, Learning & Development

Link governor for Relationship Sex & Health Education (RSHE) and Science

Declared business interests – None (save for parent of child at a federation school)

Amber attended 5 of 6 FGB Meetings and 4 of 4 Teaching Learning & Development Meetings during 2022/23

Despoina Chatzikyriazi

Category: Associate Member

Term of Office: 24 November 2022 – 23 November 2026

Committee Membership: Finance & Resources

Declared business interests – None

Despoina attended 1 of 6 FGB Meetings and 1 of 5 Finance & Resources Meetings during 2022/23 

Sarah Matthews

Sarah studied for 4 years at Bath Spa University and gained BSc (Hons) with QTS and has been teaching for over 20 years. Recently she completed her NPQH qualification and is now Head of School at Stanton. She has a passion for Maths and supports schools around the country with a mastery approach. In her spare time she likes to walk her fox red lab, cycling, reading and Pilates.

Category: Staff Governor (jointly with James Ostler)

Term of Office: 25 January 2024 – 24 January 2028

Committee Membership: Teaching, Learning & Resources (Presenter & voting rights on committee)

Head of School Stanton St Quintin Primary

No business interests or relationships with staff or governors declared

Sarah attended 4 of 7 FGB Meetings and 6 of 6 Teaching, Learning & Development Meetings during 2022/23 (as an associate governor)

James Osler

James completed a PGCE at Bath Spa in 2002 after a Music degree in Southampton University some years before. He relocated from Hertfordshire to Corsham nine years ago and lives with his wife and three children. James has enjoyed spending the majority of his teaching career in small schools and has been with Langley Fitzurse for the past seven years. He loves listening to music and playing the piano, spending time in the park with his family and cooking curries.

Category: Staff Governor (jointly with Sarah Matthews)

Term of Office: 25 January 2024 – 24 January 2028

Head of School Langley Fitzurse C of E Primary

Committee membership: Teaching, Learning & Development (Presenter and voting rights on committee)

No business interests or relationships with staff or governors declared

James attended 4 of 7 FGB Meetings and 6 of 6 Teaching, Learning & Development Meetings during 2022/23 (as an associate governor)

Michelle Hocking (Clerk to Governors)

Category: Clerk appointed by the Board of Governors

No business interests or relationships with staff or governors declared

Michelle can be contacted at

Previous Langley Fitzurse Stanton St Quintin Governors

Chris Steen – stepped down as a Co-opted Governor on 18 December 2020.

David Bloomer – stepped down as a Foundation Governor on 18 March 2021

Harriet Wilkinson – stepped down as a Foundation Governor on 27 April 2021

Huw Solly – stepped down as a Foundation Governor in June 2021

Dan Cornwell – stepped down as Co-opted Governor in July 2021

Sarah Matthews – stepped down as a Co-opted Governor in September 2021

Luke Matthews – stepped down as a Parent Governor in July 2022

Wendy Goodswen – stepped down as a Parent Governor in July 2022

Johanna Nathanson – stepped down as a staff Governor in September 2022

John Dawson – stepped down as a Co-opted Governor in September 2023

Gemma Edgar – stepped down as a Co-opted Governor in February 2024

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