Langley Fitzurse

Church of England Primary School

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Langley Fitzurse

Church of England Primary School


Phonics and Reading


For our Phonics teaching at Langley Fitzurse we follow the Sounds Write Programme.  Sessions are structured in units, each of which will last between one and two weeks.  An important aspect of phonics teaching is for children to learn the pure sounds and not the names of letters.  You can find a demonstration of this on ). Sounds Write also has an online parents course if you would like to know more at

The Reading Books children take home are closely linked to our phonics teaching.  Children should be able to read their books fairly fluent, with approximately 90% accuracy.  This means, that whilst you are supporting your child in reading, they should be able to read quite independent. 

Never be afraid to re-read a book as many times as your child wants –  they will always get something different from every reading.


At Langley Fitzurse, books and reading play an integral part of teaching writing. Writing is taught through reading, therefore creating a blended approach to our English curriculum. Our aim is to foster a deep-rooted love for reading at an early age and for carefully selected quality texts to inspire rich and purposeful writing opportunities.

Children are introduced to VIPERS in Year 1 in order to understand and apply the skills for reading. During English sessions, children across KS1 and KS2 are using their learnt reading skills, which in turn support the outcomes of their writing.

In Key Stage 1 and LKS2, additional ‘Reading Skills’ sessions are timetabled, where children apply the skills for reading such as decoding and other taught strategies and cues. This is achieved through a small group approach, according to the child’s reading ability, in order to secure accelerated reading progress and allowing children to access further quality texts. This session also provides an additional opportunity for children to apply comprehension skills and become confident and inspired readers. Emergent readers will use reading books linked to their phonetic skills and following the Sounds Write programme.  We aim to read with each of these children twice a week at school.  Once fluency is established, children will move on to the coloured book band scheme.

Check out our 3 i’s document for Phonics and Reading here.


Vocabulary- give/explain the meaning of words in context.

Infer- make inference from the text/explain and justify using evidence from the text.

Predict- predict what might happen from the details stated and implied.

Explain- identify/explain how information/narrative content is related and contributes to the meaning as a whole.

Retrieve- retrieve and record key information/details from the text.

Sequence- put events in order in which they occur


Vocabulary- give/explain the meaning of words in context.

Infer- make inference from the text/explain and justify using evidence from the text.

Predict- predict what might happen from the details stated and implied.

Explain- identify/explain how information/narrative content is related and contributes to the meaning as a whole.

Retrieve- retrieve and record key information/details from the text.

Sequence- put events in order in which they occur.

Summarise (KS2) – summarise main ideas from more than one paragraph.

Children will change their reading books weekly.  In addition to their reading book, they will be able to choose a book from the library.  This book is for sharing and the enjoyment of stories.  Your child is not expected to be able to read it.  It is also important to continue sharing other story books (from home or the local library) to encourage their love of reading, increase their vocabulary and support their understanding of sentence structure for writing, and most importantly to enjoy that special time together and be whisked away to a magical place of their imagination.

Reading Spine

The Teaching staff at Langley Fitzurse has devoted their time and thoughts into creating our Reading Spine.  Whilst we have categorised the books into EYFS, KS1, LKS2 and UKS2, this does not mean that these books can only be read when your child is at this particular age.  They can be read and re-read at any time!  However, we also wanted to make sure that children  have age approprite, quality literature they can enjoy and relate to.

The Reading Spine is not ‘set-in-stone’, and as new, interesting books are being published whilst others become dated, we will occasionally update our offer.

We hope your children will enjoy reading these books and feel inspired, by being transported into exciting areas of their imagination.

Please click below to view our Reading Spine.
Langley Fitzurse Reading Spine

If you like to find out more about our Whole School English Curriculum, feel free to browse our overview which links different writing genres and skills to inspirational and challenging texts.
Click here to view the overview for 2023/24.
English Long Term Planning

Check out the pictures below showing some of our children’s learning in Reading.
