At Langley Fitzurse C of E Primary School we follow the Wiltshire Agreed Religious Education Syllabus. It is our intent that all children have the opportunity to explore different religions and beliefs, learning about the values of each religion and non-religious world views, and discussing and comparing these to other religions, the values of society and their own values. Children will be encouraged to share their own views and respect other people’s opinions and beliefs. We will equip pupils to be sensitive to others’ beliefs, able to express their own views well, show curiosity and have the skills to ask appropriate questions when meeting people different to themselves. At Langley Fitzurse, we have an enquiry-based approach to lessons, where children investigate key questions on a theme. Our pupils are encouraged to explore the beliefs, teachings and practices of different religions and consider the influence of religion upon individuals, families, communities and cultures. We will enable pupils to explain how beliefs and practices can inform and change the way people see the world and the way they live and treat others. Our aim to help pupils to gain an understanding of differences held within a religious or non- religious worldview and of the similarities of beliefs and practices held in common by people within and across traditions.

Through exciting and engaging lessons, they will enhance their understanding of diversity of belief and practice within our school, local communities and country as a whole. Through a range of activities, pupils are challenged to explore issues of truth, belief, faith and ethics, and in doing so, will develop a sense of personal identity and a sense of belonging. Through our comprehensive and exciting curriculum, we at Langley Fitzurse aim to contribute to the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of pupils and supports wider community cohesion. Most importantly, we want all of our children to enjoy learning about different religions and the place they each have in the world.

The RE subject leader is James Osler and he is more than happy to discuss any elements of the delivery of Religious Education in our school.

Please see below for our full Three I’s document, progression and coverage. Please also see our RE policy and some of our sentence stems that the children use when describing and comparing people and religions.