Langley Fitzurse

Church of England Primary School

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Langley Fitzurse

Church of England Primary School



Here at Langley Fitzurse C of E Primary School, we know that the importance of developing our children’s Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education is fundamental to developing thoughtful and resilient learners. All children are taught using the Coram Life: SCARF programme which lays the foundations to build confident and knowledgeable children who can reach their full potential. We aim for them to become respectful, responsible and active members of society.

There are five core values embedded within SCARF are: 

Safety, Care, Achievements, Resilience and Friendship

We endeavour to ensure that children have the skills to make healthy, informed life and relationship choices to support their own mental health and keep themselves safe. This broad curriculum helps children to understand, and value, how they and others fit into an ever-changing world. Children are taught to be respectful and responsible members of the school, and wider community and to treat everyone equally. Children develop an awareness of British values and the Christian way of life that is respectful, welcoming and understanding of other beliefs and religions.

All our lessons are tailored to the children’s ages and needs with the teacher actively encouraging them share their thoughts and feeling, if they wish, in a safe, trusting and supportive environment. PSHE is taught discretely once a week and additional lessons are provided should they need extra support.

Every term we work together as a school to focus one of the SCARF themes of

  • Me and My Relationships
  • Valuing Difference
  • Keeping Safe
  • Rights and Responsibilities
  • Doing My Best
  • Growing and Changing

SCARF works alongside our school ethos to promote a culture of support and trust here at Langley Fitzurse, meaning that PSHE is not seen as a one-off lesson, but rather endeavours to be an ongoing discussion and school ethos. Teaching our children to be responsible for their own and others’ emotional and physical needs gives them the confidence and skills they need as they approach adolescence and transition to Secondary school.

We recently conducted a parent questionnaire on RSE. Please see the responses and letter here.
